leone battista alberti造句
- Leonardo da Vinci wrote a treatise on painting, Leone Battista Alberti one on sculpture and architecture.
- Matteo collaborated with the architect Leone Battista Alberti on the design and construction of the Tempio Malatestiano in Rimini.
- Instead, scholars such as Leone Battista Alberti and Flavio Biondo used him in academic works on the history and architecture of 1st century Rome.
- The younger Buonaccorso was highly esteemed for his public orations, in which Cristoforo Landino ranked him with Boccaccio, Leone Battista Alberti, and Matteo Palmieri.
- The fa鏰de with its rhythm of flat doubled pilasters between the arch-headed windows is Florentine in conception, comparable to Leone Battista Alberti's Palazzo Rucellai.
- It's difficult to find leone battista alberti in a sentence. 用leone battista alberti造句挺难的
- In Mantua, Leone Battista Alberti ushered in the new antique style, though his culminating work, Sant'Andrea, was not begun until 1472, after the architect's death.
- The principle upon which the M-94 / CSP-488 is based is at least as old as the 15th century, when the revolving wheel cryptograph was envisioned by Leone Battista Alberti.
- The Avery collection in architecture is among largest in the world; it ranges from the first Western printed book on architecture, De re aedificatoria ( 1485 ), by Leone Battista Alberti, to the classics of modernism by Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier.
- Two other Bartolini monuments in Santa Croce can be compared with it; in the Capella Giugni is his monument to Carlotta Buonaparte ( died 1839 ), but when the occasion required a more formal approach, as in the monument to Leone Battista Alberti, the result could be chilly.
- Sinan must have known the ideas of the Renaissance architect Leone Battista Alberti ( who in turn had studied " De architectura " by the Roman architect and engineer Vitruvius ), since he too was concerned in building the ideal church, reflecting harmony through the perfection of geometry in architecture.
- Other architectural books include Leone Battista Alberti's De re aedificatoria ( 1452, Ten Books of Architecture ) of which both an Italian edition of 1565 and an English edition of 1726 are to be found in the library as is Antoine Desgodetz's " Les edifices antiques de Rome dessin閟 et mesur閟 tr鑣 exactement " ( Paris 1682 ).
- The great architect and polymath Leone Battista Alberti wrote ( " De architectura " ) that " the art of building . . . in Italy [ had ] achieved perfect maturity ", that the Romans had " created such a perfect art of building that there was in it nothing mysterious, hidden or unclear . " This was yet another formulation of the concept of perfection.
- Although color theory principles first appeared in the writings of Leone Battista Alberti ( c . 1435 ) and the notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci ( c . 1490 ), a tradition of " colory theory " began in the 18th century, initially within a partisan controversy around Isaac Newton's theory of color ( " Opticks ", 1704 ) and the nature of primary colors.
- However, with the coming of the Renaissance and the Baroque style, and revived interest in art and architecture of antiquity, barrel vaulting was re-introduced on a truly grandiose scale, and employed in the construction of many famous buildings and churches, such as Basilica di Sant'Andrea di Mantova by Leone Battista Alberti, San Giorgio Maggiore by Andrea Palladio, and perhaps most glorious of all, St . Peter's Basilica in Rome, where a huge barrel vault spans the-wide nave.